There are some people in this country that just shouldn't be taken very seriously... Ok fine... Most people, including myself shouldn't be taken very seriously. Luckily nobody takes me seriously, but here are two fellas that a whole bunch of people rely upon for information and/or guidance spewing wrath and vengeance... against their own people. In our friend O'Reilly's case, even al-qaeda is A-OK as long as they're attacking San Francisco, and you bet your ass that this is the same man that chewed out the son of a 911 victim on national television. Kind of makes me wonder where his loyalties lie... ah yes, I remember now... his loyalties lie only with those who agree with him. A sadder clown, I've never seen.
And you Mr. Robertson! *both fingers shaking now* The most effective missionary work a man can do is to make his life an example. If all Jesus did was preach and buy big houses, you would not be where you are today, if you forgot. Your spineless inability to live with your fellow man discourages many from his faith.
And now my preaching is done, forgive me. Some things just shouldn't stand, unfortunately Pat Robertson and the like feel exactly the same way. I guess we all have to decide where we stand. Good night, and good luck.
:: Damien 11/11/2005 [+] ::