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:: Thursday, November 10, 2005 ::

Bungling Meant Leak Letter Leaked

You may have read the articles about the leak of information about certain government "black sites" (see below). Needless to say, the GOP is suddenly very eager for a leak investigation... but wait... (quoting the above article)

"...CNN reported earlier in the day that Sen. Trent Lott (R-Miss.) had said a Republican senator may have leaked information about the so-called black sites to the Post. Lott told reporters yesterday that he had been talking about another Post article. He said he was not talking about the article about the detention and interrogation facilities.

GOP aides conjectured privately that Frist’s delay in signing the letter may have been caused by concern over the possibility of endangering a Republican senator by calling for the investigation..."

Well just hold on guys, let's not be too hasty... romfflmmfao

Ehhh, anyway read the whole article for a more fair representation, and then watch and see how hard they really end up pursuing this thing. That will be your first clue as to where they believe the guilt lies.

:: Damien 11/10/2005 [+] ::
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