Egads! Now, to be fair that headline is a little bit simplified and dramatic, but it comes from a rather right-leaning web site so that probably wouldn't surprise many. You can actually read the progress report on the "New Freedom Initiative for People with Disabilities" yourself, but it is almost as dull as you would expect for a government document so here is a link to the Executive Summary which will give you an idea of what the entire focus of this thing is. The screening for mental illness is actually a very tiny piece of the whole thing. I personally enjoy the broad intention to get more of the disabled into the work force. Not that that isn't a noble cause if they want to work and all, I just get a dark Orwellian comic urge when I think about it, but that's me.
The rumblings continue, and they are also still haggling over whether the world will have to forcibly prevent Iran from developing nukes. I'm still soaking all this in, but it is looking more and more like there will be a big story in all this eventually. This is a big story here of course, but you get my drift. Unfortunately our military is quite visibly stretched and also quite incompetently commanded (argue if you will), which I'm sure makes the enemies of freedom drool. Let's hope it all shakes out.
Speaking of things that make the evildoers drool... Bush?
"I'm very sure they can't have a better administration for them than the one they have now," says the anonymous senior US intelligence official who authored Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror, coming out in July. I've never heard of so many disgruntled government folks, let alone writing books in an election year. This one is an even bigger kick though seeing as he is a sitting official with 20 years in. As the article points out, the fact that he was allowed to publish at all is a little strange.
This may be old news to some, though this particular angle of the story seemed generally neglected. The article above actually came out before the general public even found out exactly what Chalabi was suspected of, which is explained here.
Alright, most of the Chalabi stuff has faded away already. Eh, it seemed like a big deal three weeks ago. Here we are though, today...
Who can say what may happen or why, but keep an eye on things and you may catch a glimpse of the slither before you feel the bite. Don't worry though, if World War III breaks out your friendly networks will be there straight away to give you spectacular pictures, and 3d graphic representations when pictures aren't available or appropriate. Just don't expect to find out why it all happened in the first place.
:: Damien 6/15/2004 [+] ::
(0) comments
:: Monday, June 14, 2004 ::
Well, we seem to have been stuck in a rut here so let's see if I can find something different...
The 'linx' section has gotten the beef it deserves today. Sadly it is now probably the most informative part of the site. Who really gives a toss what I have to say, now you can go see for yourself somewhat conveniently. I've tried to inlude as diverse of a group of information sources as possible in a manageable/small list. The Drudge Report has a much more thorough collection of links to mainstream news and commentary sites if you are inclined.
"Knowledge will forever govern ignorance: and a people who mean to be their own governours, must arm themselves with the power which knowledge gives." - James Madison
Even more importantly, the comments are back up and running. Discuss...