The rumblings continue, and they are also still haggling over whether the world will have to forcibly prevent Iran from developing nukes. I'm still soaking all this in, but it is looking more and more like there will be a big story in all this eventually. This is a big story here of course, but you get my drift. Unfortunately our military is quite visibly stretched and also quite incompetently commanded (argue if you will), which I'm sure makes the enemies of freedom drool. Let's hope it all shakes out.
Speaking of things that make the evildoers drool... Bush?
"I'm very sure they can't have a better administration for them than the one they have now," says the anonymous senior US intelligence official who authored Imperial Hubris: Why the West is Losing the War on Terror, coming out in July. I've never heard of so many disgruntled government folks, let alone writing books in an election year. This one is an even bigger kick though seeing as he is a sitting official with 20 years in. As the article points out, the fact that he was allowed to publish at all is a little strange.